Roger Whittaker
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from Rogers "final" tour
Mike Nutall Recounts
Touring with Roger

Thanks Sean for the pictures above from
Roger's Christmas 2005 tour, the first is Roger
dressed as Scrooge!
Vicky McEvoy with Roger on Sunday 27 November 2005 after the concert in Sudbury. Actually this was in the dining room at the Holiday Inn. It was kept open late for Roger and
Co. The second pic shows the driving conditions Rory and Vicky endured to
get to Sudbury!

Mark Honeyman and Roger after his concert in the Fairfield Halls, South London . Taken during his fantastic summer 2005 tour of the UK.
Roger and Ane Marie Purkær.

Roger with Mark J. Honeyman ,
outside Fairfield Halls, Croydon (South London)
Roger Whitaker and Roger Whittaker, Oct. 1, 1998 in Bloomington, IL
Anthony D. P. Mann of LaSalle, Quebec and Roger

Roger and Rhonda Kolskog, March 25, 1998, Regina Center for the Arts

Roger and Toni Kolskog
Roger on stage,
Long Beach Terrace Theatre, Nov. 5, 1981 submitted by Karen Harley
Karen Harley and RW, November. 10, 1985 after the show
The following two pictures were submitted by Cathey Shannon and
were taken at the Westbury Music Fair in Aug. 1995 
Super Whittaker Fan Charles Barney sent me this picture of Roger
and Himself

Thanks to Roberta Cohen for sending the concert pictures below
from Roger's concert in Westbury NY.
Here Roger Shares the stage with Lorna Greenwood

Here are two more pictures from the same concert

I am waiting to hear from you! Do you have a favorite song or
album you would like to tell everyone about? Would you like to
tell of a personal encounter with Mr. Whittaker or anything else?
Or, would you like to respond to any of the above? If so send
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